WHF Introduces Recurring Donation Options

Empowering Donors with a Convenient Way to Support Community Health Initiatives 

Winnebago, NE – The Winnebago Health Foundation is pleased to announce the expansion of its donation options, now offering supporters the ability to make recurring contributions through credit or debit card payments, as well as recurring direct deposits from their bank accounts. These new features, available on the Foundation’s website at winnebagohealthfoundation.org/make-a-gift/ provide donors with the flexibility and convenience to support critical health services and programs in the Winnebago community. 

“Our mission is to enhance the quality of healthcare and well-being for all members of our community,” said Linda Santi, representative of the Winnebago Health Foundation. “With the introduction of recurring donations, we’re making it easier than ever for our supporters to continue to contribute to the health and wellness initiatives that matter most to them.”   

The recurring donation option is designed to provide flexibility and convenience for donors. Whether individuals want to contribute weekly, monthly, or quarterly, they can now set up their giving schedule with just a few clicks on the Foundation’s secure website.  

Ongoing gifts are invaluable because they enable the Foundation to tell a story of self-sustainability to other donors considering a partnership or investment with the organization. Having and being able to prove continuous support is vital for fulfilling and sustaining the Foundation’s efforts, including expanding access to care, funding health education programs, and supporting ongoing community services. 

Donors can visit www.WinnebagoHealthFoundation.org to set up their recurring donation today. By committing to regular contributions, donors will play an integral role in supporting the Foundation’s mission and helping to make a lasting impact on the health of the Winnebago community. 

For more information about recurring donations or to learn more about the Winnebago Health Foundation, please visit our website or email whf@wchs.health.  

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