
WHF Opens Scholarship Applications

Winnebago, NE– The Winnebago Health Foundation (WHF) is pleased to announce the opening of applications for its scholarship program to support individuals pursuing careers in healthcare within the Winnebago Community and the Winnebago Comprehensive Healthcare System (WCHS). These scholarships align with WHF’s goal of increasing healthcare capacity and fostering community health initiatives in Winnebago.
The WHF scholarship program prioritizes individuals considering a career in healthcare or seeking to advance their careers in the healthcare sector. Eligible applicants include enrolled Winnebago Tribal Members demonstrating financial need beyond existing Tribal support, followed by other Native participants, existing WCHS staff, and individuals interested in WCHS employment and committed to WCHS employment for a time commensurate with the WHF investment.
“We are excited to support aspiring healthcare professionals and existing staff members within our community through our scholarship program,” said Amy Encinger, WHF Scholarship Committee Chair. “These scholarships not only invest in individual career development but also contribute to enhancing health care services and addressing community health needs in Winnebago.”
Criteria for scholarship consideration include academic achievement, financial need, commitment to Winnebago Community health goals, and community service involvement. Successful applicants will be expected to attend classes regularly, maintain good academic standing, and share the impact of their scholarships with WHF and the community. The amounts can vary based on funds availability and the strength of applications. Additionally, WCHS may match awards, up to a cumulative maximum of $10,000 annually. The application deadline for scholarships for the Spring 2023/2024 term is May 6th, 2024. All applicants will be notified of their status by June 3, 2024. The renewal process for scholarships is available on a case-by-case basis. For more information about eligibility criteria, guidelines, and the application process, please visit the Winnebago Health Foundation website at


WHF Receives WV Donation

Winnebago, NE – The Winnebago Health Foundation is excited to share that they’ve received a

$7,554.34 donation from the WinnaVegas Casino Resort. This generous contribution is designated to further enrich the overall health resources available in the Winnebago community.

The funds for this donation were provided by WinnaVegas’s “Rounding Campaign”. The “Rounding Campaign” is an initiative that allows the casino’s visiting customers to round their winnings to the whole dollar and then donate their surplus change to area non-profits, like the Winnebago Health Foundation.

“We are grateful for our customers for their ongoing generosity to our rounding campaigns that make gifts like this possible,” said Tom Teesdale, WinnaVegas’s General Manager. “We are excited to support the Health Foundation and their mission of creating and sustaining health in the Winnebago Community.”

The Winnebago Health Foundation is the non-profit, charitable arm of the Winnebago Comprehensive Healthcare System. This donation is a testament to both WinnaVegas’ and their customers’ dedication to supporting initiatives that directly impact the well-being of tribal communities, like Winnebago.

“We appreciate WinnaVegas and their patrons for their commitment to the health and vitality of the Winnebago community,” said Danelle Smith, Foundation Board Chair. “This donation will play a pivotal role in ensuring that our community members have access to the healthcare and health resources that we deserve.


WCHS CEO and WHF Board Secretary David Edwards describes the Winnebago community in Holiday Greeting

I am the son of Paul Edwards and Beverly Altman. By all measures, my parents and grandparents were all very “average”. As far as I know, no member of my extended family is wealthy or famous. Of course, to me, they are much more than that. Talking and keeping in touch with family members is a priority to me, and I look forward to this time of year when we have the chance to visit in person. These personal attachments and commitments add profound feelings of connectedness to my life. It’s this invaluable sense of unity that makes my family, a family.  

While not all are family, those who work and serve at WCHS also feel a sense of connection to their colleagues and to those we serve. It is because we work here for reasons greater than just a paycheck. I often hear staff talk about serving a “relative”, and they really are! Whether a direct relative or not we feel a profound call to serve. This is one of the things that sets us apart as an indigenous healthcare organization. We feel it from the Tribal Council and Board, from those who come to us for help, and from each other. This does not make us flawless, any more than family members. It does feed our feelings of compassion, innovation, and cultural centeredness.  

From myself and all your “relatives” at WCHS, may you know and feel that you are much more than a patient, employee, board or council member, or community member; you are like family. As you celebrate and connect over the holidays with your family and friends from work and home, please accept this wish to each of you for a happy and healthy holiday season.